Visitor Centre 3.0

Inspirational Paper for the Development of Visitor Centers

Digitalization has fundamentally changed the way we exchange information. Just think about work, culture, tourism, leisure time, traffic or business and imagine to-day’s visitor center. Do information points still need to be staffed with people when a good app can do the same? One can even question the economics of contact and information points. How much sense do they make for operators in the future, when the information can also be communicated via a website?

We are convinced that we need visitor centers. Because we see them as valuable places offering a personal welcome, information exchange and social interaction, these places know and can serve our important needs. This inspirational paper embarks on an open search for the future potential of visitor centers and offers suggestions for making them more inspiring, digital, multidimensional and networked.

The visitor center of the future will also have to meet several demands due to its complex functions. However, this will increase the opportunities for value creation as well as the quality as a workplace for its employees. The visitor center is anchored locally and its visitors, both guests and locals, come gladly and repeatedly – because this beautiful place is different every time and people are warmly welcomed and inspired.